How are you, friends? We have seen a lot in this series of river exploration so far, and today we are going to know which is the largest river in the world by volume.
Friends, if the world’s largest rivers are seen according to volume, then the Ganga river comes at number three, the Congo river comes at number two, and finally the Amazon river comes at number one.
Friends, if you look at the Amazon River, it releases an average of 215,000 m3 to 230,000 m3 of water per second into the Atlantic Ocean and on an annual basis, it releases 6,591 km3 to 7,570 km3 of water per year. Which is greater than the combined water discharge of the seven largest rivers, if we look at the basis of percentage, then compared to all the rivers of the world, the Amazon River alone releases 20% of its water into the Atlantic Ocean.
Its total length is 6,400 km, which makes it the second longest river in the world after the Nile River. It is on the continent of South America and begins in the country of Peru and passes through the countries of Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil before it merges with the Atlantic Ocean. But Brazil holds the largest portion of the Amazon River.
That’s all for now, guys; this was a basic overview of the Amazon River.
Okay, then, we’ll see you next time …